Psychological Evaluations in Gulfport, MS

Psychological Testing, Gulfport MS

What are Psychological Evaluations?

Psychological evaluations often focus on identifying and diagnosing a specific neurodevelopmental disorder such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder or psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety, and oppositional defiant disorder.  They are often helpful when searching for answers regarding a child’s or young adult’s cognitive, behavioral, and emotional functioning.

The psychological assessment process allows for understanding of strengths and weakness and can provide individualized recommendations. Often, children who are struggling with academic work, social interactions, and emotion regulation have atypical neurological development that can be identified through psychological assessments. Additionally, young adults may be struggling at work or in college and cannot figure out why they are unable to function as well as their peers.  The results of these assessments allow our psychologists to pin-point specific areas of concern for the individual and provide recommendations for future growth.

Psychological Evaluations Gulfport MS

The Psychological Testing Process

If your child or young adult is experiencing symptoms that interfere with daily life and activities, Mind Works Psychologists can provide a comprehensive assessment so your child or young adult can get the care and attention needed to succeed in life and stay healthy.  At your first appointment, we will obtain a detailed history of the client’s developmental, medical, social, school/work, and psychological functioning.  We will then complete behavioral observations and a series of parent, teacher, and/or self-report questionnaires, personality tests, and sometimes tests of intellectual functioning.

Once this information has been gathered and the assessment is complete, we will include it in a report and schedule a follow up visit to review the results.  The report will include interpretation and summary of the assessment and, if applicable, will provide an official mental health diagnosis in order to receive appropriate treatment.